Honey Bee Hive Extractions and Removals
When honey bees build their hive on your home or property, contact us for a safe, non-toxic removal.
Honey bees often swarm in the spring. Lodging in a nook or cranny, hives start small become greater nuisances as they grow. At full colony strength, honey bees are even more aggressive. Though you and your family may be allergic to their string, do not spray insecticides or hire extermination services. Killing bees by chemical means can invite rodents and other unwanted pests into your home, due to the wax and honey left behind.
Our extraction service removes honey bees, wax comb, and honey from the cavity. A nontoxic, natural treatment is used to erase the scent, ensuring that honey bees will not return. Lastly, the bees are safely relocated, re-hived and revived in PachaMama’s apiary.
We are fully insured. Commercial property managers may request to be listed “additionally insured.”
Each extraction is unique and has its own set of challenges. Height, size, how the colony is encased in the structure, and other risk factors, are all variables that determine the cost. There often is more hive than what meets the eye. We strongly encourage you to send pictures to info@pachamamabees.com or 512-921-6606 for a quote.
Note: PachaMama Bees does not do patch-up work; refer to your local contractor.
Registered with the Texas Apiary Inspection Service
Hives maybe extracted from
Barns and sheds
Abandoned farm items/equipment
Trailers or mobile homes
Metal structures
Bricks or stone structures